To achieve its specific goals, the school aims to guarantee a proper environment to stimulate the child to adapt

We provide a fun, loving and creative environment for the development of the child: emotional, social, intellectual and physical; Develop their personality based on ethical, moral; Develop a sense of responsibility; Develop a sense of teamwork;

We provide security to the child, developing autonomy and organization skills, stimulating the development of the child as a member of a group and their place in said group, by gradual building their self-esteem and self confidence; We also respect the individuality that each child has and help to develop their own identity; We provide enriching and formative experiences in order to prepare the child for their future; We stimulate the development of their creativity and initiative; We lead the child to fulfill their choices and decisions;

Develop expression and communication through basic language: sign, musical, dramatic and plastic; Develop work habits; Discipline and control; We will also be alert to the possibility of maladjustments, disabilities or precociousness and give them the appropriate guidance; Lead the child to be able to fight for their rights and respect the rights of others; Work as a team with all the staff of our school; Establish partnership relationships with the community;


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